As others have mentioned the last days in Honduras were jammed packed with sight seeing, shopping and fun! Between checking out La Pacacho National Park, visiting MathWorker Julie Rodriguez's family home, lunch and shopping at Valle de Angeles, an ice cream party with the kids and ending the day taking Raul and his daughter out to dinner.
Here are some of my favorite pictures of the day:
La Pacacho National Park. Walking through the park was a nice change of pace. The park was full of pretty flowers, stonewalls, the replica of a Mayan Temple, amazing views and of course Jesus larger than life.

The ladies enjoying the flowers as we checkout the view
Here is me with the big guy in the background
Julie Rogriguez was amazingly thoughtful and allowed us the opportunity to see the home
where she grew up. We got a tour of the groups that were absolutely beautiful. We got to walk through the woods and see coffee plants and bamboo and saw her mom's garden that had pineapples, carrots, bananas and so much more.

The day was so beautiful and this area was so serene I wouldn't have given to take a siesta in one of these hammocks.

To the left is a coffee plant and to the right is where the coffee beans are cleaned. You can see what the beans look like before roasting.
Here is the group taking a quick walk on the trail behind the house. Thankfully no one got lost in the woods :-)
Here is a pineapple plant - isn't it cute!!!
When we left Julie's family home we headed to Valle for lunch and shopping. We started off lunch with a bean dip and chips. Even though we had a lot of beans this week, the dip was really good. The dip seemed like it may have had some cheese in it that made it all gooey. It was REALLY good. Some of us then split pizzas and had local beers and wines. The pizza was a really nice change of pace.
After eating we did some shopping. People went looking for soccer shirts, cigars, coffee and myself a hammock. In about 30 minutes time we did our part to help stimulate the Honduran economy.
On one hand it was hard being away from El Hogar and the children for the day, especially with this being our last full day in Honduras. But it was great to have a different view of the country. One thing I keep seeing is that amidst sadness and poverty there is a lot of beauty and joy. I have been seeing it in the children all week and now I am seeing it in the country as a whole. For such a poverty stricken country, they do have some riches.
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