After eating a tasty breakfast of eggs, refried beans, cheese and of course corn tortillas we got to sit in on the morning classes.
I spent most of the time in the First Grade class and got to see Fransisco and Sisi. The children were all so tiny and sweet looking. They were all so excited to show us their drawings of animals or people. There was the one little girl who was drawing a picture of what I would normally assume was a mother and daughter, but in a place like this it is hard to know. I asked her if I could take a
picture with her and she smiled and just grabbed me around the neck and pulled me towards her. Seriously how cute is she? I on the other hand have the constant glow Jason keeps speaking of (and he doesn´t mean because we are happy).

I then headed over to the Social Studies class, with my buddy Ramone, where they were talking about their natural resources and the products they produce with them. I was getting a few words here and there, but thankfully Mark B was in the room and he explained what the teacher was saying in a little more detail. Evidentally they make a lot of cement here.
When the bell rang and the children changed classes we went back to the volunteer house to wait for Raul and our instructions for the day. Sadly Lazaro who was going to be instructing us was sick, so Raul made up some tasks on the fly. But before we even started we got to have frozen chocolate covered bananas mmmmmm. A few people went painted some doors inside, a few people sorted and removed nails from wood of the torn down dorms and Tara and I painted the lower walls of the new dorms in red. We only had one can of paint and small paint brushes, so we weren`t completely efficient, but think we did a good job overall. Looks like we`ll be lucky enough to do a second coat tomorrow. We had chicken, rice, refried beans and corn tortillas for lunch. Thankfully not sick of them yet! After lunch I headed up early to finish painting one section of the wall. The children were on their lunch break so a lot of them would chat with me while entering or exiting the dorm. Ok, there is not a lot I can say, but I am starting to understand more. Tara and I finished our painting and helped the group moving wood. I was definitely pink and Raul wanted me to get into the shade - I just told him it was a healthy pink.
I think this has been my favorite moment so far (which is hard to say since there have been many great ones). After a Diet Coke and a shower I went outside to write in my journal. As I sat there a little boy came up to me and asked me my name and I told him. When I asked him his name he took my journal and wrote his name in it. He is Eber Raul. He then called his friend over so he could write his name in my journal. He is Carlos. Then there was the very adorable Wilmer and then Johan. Then as quickly as the boys appeared they disappeared. A few minutes later Carlos returns with a piece of chalk. On the ground in front of me he writes ´God Bless You´and then points to me. He then sat on the wall next to me and writes`God is Love` which he points to painted on a wall behind us. He erases these words and draws a tic tac toe board. We played many rounds with him winning most of them. I am just out of practice.
We got called in for dinner. There were eggs, corn tortillas and beans (no no not refried beans as you may have guessed) and rice. The group then sat around and talked for a while. It amazes me how many conversations seem to come back to bodily functions. But I guess when you are eating beans 3 times a day that is bound to happen ;-)
After a while Tara and I joined Jason and Stuart playing with the boys. I think it was a combo of hide-and-seek and catch. Man can these kids run. There was just no catching them and when they were chasing me there was no out running them. Aside from being way too out of shape for this level of activity I had a blast. There was a little boy wearing a BC t-shirt which I loved to see. We then played a quick game of soccer, pardon me futbol. I have to admit I was afraid of getting too close - these boys were ruthless. We played until the bell rang for them to get their evening snack. We also got another chocolate covered frozen bananas - I could seriously get addicted to them.
So that brings us to blogging, catching up on e-mail and of course the Boston scores. We all did a wu-hoo when we heard the Sox are beating the Yanks :-) So I guess that is enough for one night as I am sure I will have plenty to report on tomorrow.
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